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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

SHINYJIGGLY Videos Now Playing/Ayo's New Theme in Robot Missions: Legacy 3

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Hello there. My name's Jayden Montoya. Let me tell you something here, dude.

Hell yeah! The collection of ShinyJiggly's videos are FINALLY HERE!!!


Jiggly-blog 1
In this video, Jigglypuff and Kirby faces their fight, but Jigglypuff is just blogging in Yoshi's alternative stage. She then kills herself with the Bomb-ombs and SD's. After Kirby dies, Jigglypuff Wins!‎

Jiggly-blog 2
Like Jiggly-blog 1, Jigglypuff and Pichu (evolves into Pikachu) faces their fight, but Jigglypuff blogs in Icicle Mountain, then Temple. 
Jiggly-blog 3
Just a normal blog. Jigglypuff doesn't actually fight.

We're sorry to interrupt you a new theme for Ayo in Legacy 3.